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Behavioral Intervention Team

Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT)

og体育行为干预小组是一个跨职能小组 致力于提供一种积极和有计划的方法来识别、预防、 评估,管理和减少对安全和福祉的行为威胁 of our campus communities. 该小组定期开会审查提交的转介 由教职员工和学生对可能令人担忧的破坏性行为进行评估 or threatening. 我们认识到,这些行为有时会阻碍自己的或 others ability to function successfully and safely.

北京理工学院的成员包括来自学生支持服务、学院、住房、 规划,特殊人群,学生行为,执法和咨询/咨询 Services. Additional members are included in meeting as necessary.

BIT单独审查每个案例并收集信息以提出建议 有同情心的干预策略可能包括连接学生 to campus and community resources.

How to Report a Concern

我们社区内的每个人都有责任立即报告 any concerning or threatening behaviors. Every report will be reviewed to determine appropriate action. 个人可以通过两种方式被称为BIT.

Download and review the Title IX Need to Know brochure

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT)?
    og体育已经开发了这个手册,以提供指导行为 干预小组,并教育大学社区如何识别和应对 对表现出破坏性、令人担忧和/或威胁性的个人进行举报 behavior. 特立尼达国家行为干预小组(BIT)的任务是 为了提供一个致力于保护学生安全和福祉的资源, 通过及时的干预,适当的转诊 的服务,并跟进促进学生的成功,除了支持CCCS board policy 19-40. One of the core values of TSJC is “Students First.” It is with 请记住,BIT团队独立于学生办公室运作 在行为转诊前协助学生解决行为问题.

    Definitions :
    Behavioral Intervention Team -一个集中的、有代表性的团体,定期开会以支持其目标 观众(学生,员工,教师和工作人员)通过既定的协议. The 团队收到破坏性、担忧性和/或威胁性行为的报告 同事、社区成员、朋友、同事、学生等.), gathers additional 提供所需的资料,并参与建议适当的机制 support, intervention, warning/notification and response. The team tracks “red flags” 以及行为趋势,并就更大的问题向选民提供反馈 concern within the community.
    Disruptive behavior -包括有干扰学校影响的言语和/或行为 运营和/或教育或工作环境.
    Concerning behavior ——包括让一个理性的人相信的言语和/或行为 an individual’s emotional well-being may be at risk.
    Threatening behavior ——包括让一个理性的人相信的言语和/或行为 个人可能会危及自己或学院其他成员的安全 community.
  • What the BIT is NOT:
    BIT不是一个为了纪律学生或解决课堂管理问题而成立的委员会 issues. 
  • 如果我认为某人对自己或他人有直接的危险,我该怎么办 someone else?
    (e.g., potentially suicidal or threatening someone)
    • Call 911.
    • 然后打电话给BIT的成员并提交事件报告. 
  • Should I approach the student first?
    If you feel comfortable addressing the student yes. It is best to make sure you document the interaction of any concerning behavior. Feel free to contact a BIT member to help talk to the student and offer resources if needed. 
  • What should I report?

    Disruptive behavior -包括有干扰学校影响的言语和/或行为 运营和/或教育或工作环境.

    Concerning behavior ——包括让一个理性的人相信的言语和/或行为 an individual’s emotional well-being may be at risk.

    Threatening behavior ——包括让一个理性的人相信的言语和/或行为 个人可能会危及自己或学院其他成员的安全 community.

  • 应该向BIT报告的情况有哪些例子?
    • Disruptive and concerning behavior
    • Concerns of Drug or alcohol usage or abuse
    • Domestic Violence
    • Homelessness
    • Trouble Grieving
  • What if I am not sure if I should report the concern?
    It is always better to be safe than sorry. 
  • Who can submit a report?
    Anyone who has concern about the student. Each person reporting has a different perspective 哪些可以帮助BIT从不同角度解决这些问题. 
  • Can I submit a report anonymously?
    如果你有什么事情要报告或有og体育学生的担忧,请使用链接 below to send a notice to staff who can help. You may use your name or report anonymously. 什么是重要的是提供尽可能多的信息,以便提供帮助 or a behavior that isn’t appropriate can be addressed. 
  • 学生是否知道我是向BIT举报他/她的人?
    Not unless you tell them. 
  • How will I know that the situation has been addressed?
    你会收到一个简短的通知,让你知道我们已经收到了 这份报告,如果我们还有其他问题要问你. We keep the conversation 我们对学生保密,除非我们需要遵守强制性报告 guidelines. 然而,在报告之后,有关该学生的有限信息被分享 is made to protect their rights and confidentiality.
  • 学生被转介到北京理工学院后会发生什么?
    BIT将会面并确定与学生联系的最佳行动计划,以及 确定是否有人更适合与学生进行一对一的交流 or the whole group should meet with him or her. We develop a timeline and attempt 联系学生以及我们需要的其他资源. We keep the conversation 我们对学生保密,除非我们需要遵守强制性报告 guidelines. 然而,在报告之后,有关该学生的有限信息被分享 is made to protect their rights and confidentiality.
  • How will I know what happens after I make the referral?
    It is the student’s choice to share.
  • What about confidentiality and FERPA?
    从本质上讲,我们正在共同努力,为孩子们创造一个安全的学习环境 student. 通过向北京理工学院报告,你可以在学院内部保持沟通.

Mental Health National Resources
  • Safe 2 Tell
    Anonymously report anything
    (877) 542-7233
  • Crisis Text Line
    Text: “HOME” to 741741

  • Veterans Crisis Line
    (800) 273-8255

Mental Health Local Resources
  • Truth Warrior Counseling,
    LLC- Danielle Kolakowski

    135 East Main Street
    Suite 6
    Trinidad, CO 81082
    (719) 252-5439

Trinidad Campus

  • Dr. Sue Nesbitt
    Faculty, Psychology

  • Omar Cano
    Director of Residence Halls
    O'Connor Hall

Valley Campus

  • TBD
    Disability Services Coordinator
    Main 104

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